Lia Smagin

Yoga teacher and Owner

What were you like as a Yoga-beginner and any advice for a new Student?

As a starting yogi I fell in love with yoga so hard, I wanted to learn everything, know everything and be able to do all of the asanas immediately. 
I quickly learnt that the knowledge is so vast it takes a lifetime to even scratch the surface and the most advanced asanas arent any better than the beginners versions. I also learnt that yoga is far beyond the physical practice. It is a way of living, being present, awake to our surroundings and reacting from this space. 
My advice for a beginner yogi would be to enjoy the ride, dont rush through any part of it and keep it playful. There is no better or worse, there is no end goal. It is a lifelong journey.

What inspires you to teach?

Yoga made me feel something that I had never experienced before. The total calmness and quiet in my mind. Such powerful focus in the present moment and slowly I learnt to take this quiet and focus with me off the mat as well and incorporate it into my everyday life. And this is what drives me to practice again and again.
I felt so good and thought others need to know about this! I need to share this feeling and practice with people around me. It is such a beautiful moment when I see that the yogis leave their mat with a smile on their faces and a with a few less worries in their mind. It makes teaching so rewarding. 

How do you clear out stress?

Every time by sweating it all out. I need a very powerful practice, sometimes its yoga sometimes its running.I get the adrenaline out of my system and from there I can enter a meditation or a very slow practice to bring back the focus into right now. Without a fail everytime when completing this, my mind feels emptier, solutions seem appear from somewhere and my breath is deeper.

What would you do if you had super-powers?

Stop the stress in our minds. How differently would we behave if we would always feel calm and relaxed.

What does ‘Living Yoga’ mean to you.

Living yoga is a way of life. The practice doesnt end when we step off of our mats, thats when it starts. When the everyday life happens, situations which we might not always like or cannot control. This is when living your yoga practice is truly helpful :)